jueves, marzo 29, 2012

Perú Oikomos (Peru Economy)

Perú is the most dynamic, atractive and growing country in Latin American region, no doubt. Our growing is 6.5% average per year, and our inflation is less 2%, with investments in several achivements, this country who in 1990 finished the worse period of its history, began a launch off record, mentionated now like a exemple in world economy history.

Peru is people, best human resource, intellectual,  phisycal and technical presition, famous in the world and considerated like big productivity.

Peru is not only Machu Picchu, Peru is modern and innovation buildings with finantial skycrapers installed in residential sector of San Isidro. Big avenues, Highways, Metro and fast masive transport making posible the took descition, with a first better airport in Southamerica, and one of the world.

If you want to enter in a ten of milenaries countries, with a modern escenary and mixture of races and cultures, think in Peru like your chance, calling us and making business with all South America.

Peru is a bridge for South America, like our assist to your business sucess. 


viernes, febrero 24, 2012

Scientifica Inc., USA busca distribuidores en Latinoamérica

Este fue un video promocional para la búsqueda de distribuidores de Scientifica Inc., USA en Latinoamérica,....se anima?

jueves, febrero 23, 2012

Un video muy Mono / A very Monkey Video

Un video muy "Mono" que expone cuán fácil es la sutileza de colocar un elemento cuya imagen genera coloquio, humorismo y distorsión, frente a la coyuntura de la impertinencia de un ladrón, un buen esquema para el planteamiento de que genera el concepto de seguridad. // This´s very interesting advertising that provides good planning about critical sense to show for getting atention and make a identity througt the funky element (Monkey) his role and the precious of security concept and brand in mention.

Seguro le gustará // Enjoy:


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